Our Blog - Graduate Pest Solutions

Think You Might Have a Rodent Problem?

Written by Brenda | Dec 2, 2020 5:00:00 AM

In the wake of Thanksgiving, residents of Holyoke, Northampton, Agawam, West Springfield, Farmington, Avon, Hartford, and Manchester may find their home going bump in the night. Not sure how to tell if you’ve got a rodent problem? We’ve got tips to help you answer the question; “where do rodents live?”

How and Where to Find Them

Rodents love nooks and voids where they can safely make their nests. Use a high-powered flashlight to inspect any cubby storage, crawl spaces, or attic space in your home. Also, check any air conditioning lines, utility lines that enter the house, as well as hatchways and entry step areas. As a rule, mice can get through openings the size of a dime. Any cracks, gaps, and larger openings should be sealed with an appropriate material.

Externally, it’s best to focus on garages and sheds that may be attached or close to the home. Woodpiles and heavy vegetation are prone to rodents’ nests as they provide ample protection from the elements and predators. With cooler weather, those locations become less useful but are good to check as they can indicate a rodent presence near your home.

When searching, these are the telltale signs of rodent infestations:

  • Droppings
  • Grease marks along the walls where they run
  • Food caches
  • Gnawed items and enlarged holes
  • Shredded insulation

You Found Evidence… What’s next?

After searching your property, you may find one or more of the above signs of a rodent infestation. There are a few things you can and should do:

  • Install door sweeps on exterior doors and repair damaged screens. Remember, mice can fit through holes the size of a dime, so it’s important to block any potential entrances!
  • Seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home, including areas where utilities and pipes enter the home, using caulk, copper mesh, mortar mix, or a combination of these.
  • Some rodents can find their way into vents and chimneys, so consider putting wire screens on the exterior openings.
  • Keep attics, basements, and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry.
  • Store food and pantry items in durable, airtight containers, and dispose of food waste regularly.
  • Replace loose mortar and weather stripping around the basement foundation and windows.
  • Inspect items such as boxes, grocery bags, and other packages brought into the home. When setting up seasonal decorations, consider unpacking them outdoors.
  • Pests love moist, warm areas around the home. Eliminate all moisture sites, including leaking pipes and clogged drains that provide the perfect breeding site for pests
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and keep shrubbery trimmed and cut back off your siding and foundation.

Learn more about keeping your home healthy and safe by watching our webinar. Call us at 413-566-8222 or contact us with any questions or if you are experiencing a pest problem. We have the knowledge and the services necessary to help keep your home pest-free!