Spiders in Springfield, East Longmeadow, Windsor, and Hartford come in two varieties: Web Builders and Hunters. Web Builders, as the name implies, make intricate webs, often in areas with a small amount of airflow, to catch prey. These types of spiders often include cellar spiders or the common house spider. Are the webs these types of spiders make called cobwebs or spiderwebs? What’s the difference? Let’s cover those as well as some ways to prevent spiders in the first place.
Spider Webs
If you live in New England, you almost certainly have walked right into a spider web by accident. Typically, they’re in a dark, damp space with low foot traffic. Inside that can mean a basement or closet but they can also take up residence in overhangs and garages. Classic, radial, silk structures are what we imagine when we think of spider webs. They exist to catch curious bugs, such as flies, mosquitoes, and even bees! If insects get caught in these webs, no wonder us humans barrel right through them while trying to just do our laundry.
Not all spiderwebs are cobwebs, but all cobwebs are spiderwebs. Well… they used to be! Typically, a cobweb is an abandoned spider web. The sticky silk of a spider web is excellent at catching insects so naturally, it’s great at collecting dust. This is especially possible in hard-to-reach areas, like ceiling corners, that are infrequently dusted. There are certain types of spiders, from the family Theridiidae, that intentionally build cobwebs. The erratic design is intentional!
The Best Web is No Web
Both spider webs and cobwebs are nuisances and, frankly, gross. There are methods to prevent spiders from gaining access to your home and garage. Use these tips to keep them out:
- Keep stagnant water out of flowerpots, baby pools, buckets, tires, toys, and other objects around your property.
- Keep your yard well-groomed. Cut grass low and remove weeds and debris, and keep shrubbery trimmed.
- Wear appropriate clothing. Long pants and sleeves can limit exposure to insect bites, and consider tying back hair or keeping it under a hat.
- Screen all windows and doors, and patch any holes or tears- even tiny ones!
- Inspect yourself, your pets, and your family members carefully after spending time outside.
Seeing signs of spider webs or cobwebs? We can keep you out of a sticky situation! Call us at 413-566-8222 or contact us today. We have the knowledge and the services necessary to help keep your home pest-free!
Want to learn more about spiders?
Additional Reading:
Spider Eggs 101
What To Do About Spooky Pests: Spiders, Rodents, And Bats
Fall Pest Tips: How To Pest Proof Your House Before Winter
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