If you’ve noticed signs of mice in your home, you’re likely ready to implement some pest control methods. That might be snap traps, glue traps, or rodenticide bait. Each has its benefit but also has ...
It’s the first days of Fall in Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut. This means it’s time to prepare your home for the changing of seasons. While there are some obvious measures you’ll need ...
The last few weeks in Hampden and Hartford county have been increasingly cool. This is the season when mice make their way into your home to forage and find warmth. There are many signs of a mouse ...
What are Carpenter Ants? These wood-destroying insects get their name from the way that they build their nest. They bore through wood, creating smooth tunnels. Interestingly enough, they don’t ...
With surprisingly warm days recently, you may have had the unfortunate luck to see ants or signs of ants pop up in your home. We typically associate ants with warm weather but even during cold ...
With substantial snowfall from Amherst and Northampton Massachusetts to Manchester and West Hartford Connecticut, bed bugs are not an issue that comes to mind. Pretty colored lights, good cheer, and ...
At this time of year, there’s one pest we get called for more than any other: mice. If you own a home in New England, you’re no stranger to mice in your home. Like us, many of our clients are animal ...
With travel restrictions eased, families across New England are planning vacations and trips to hotels and Airbnb’s in the region and beyond. There are few things less relaxing than the worry of ...
Most homeowners do a relatively good job of keeping their homes clean and free of the things that attract pests. Sealing food, wiping surfaces, and taking out the trash are all great practices for ...