Carpenter Ants in the Home: When to Call an Exterminator In many homes across New England, spring marks the return of carpenter ants. Most of us are used to seeing the occasional ant or two in our ...
If you’ve noticed signs of mice in your home, you’re likely ready to implement some pest control methods. That might be snap traps, glue traps, or rodenticide bait. Each has its benefit but also has ...
Four Ways to Pest-Proof– It’s Not Too Early! Now that we’re well into the new year, many of us have made progress (or thrown in the towel) on our new year’s resolutions! A lot of people want to get ...
It’s the first days of Fall in Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut. This means it’s time to prepare your home for the changing of seasons. While there are some obvious measures you’ll need ...
What are Carpenter Ants? These wood-destroying insects get their name from the way that they build their nest. They bore through wood, creating smooth tunnels. Interestingly enough, they don’t ...
How do different bugs handle the heat? Now that New England has been hit with a few heat waves this summer, most of us are no stranger to an uncomfortable, 90+ degree day. But while we’re lucky to ...
How Do I Get Rid of Bugs in My Pantry? Wait, what?! Bugs in my fruitcake…yikes! Yes, someone or something might actually like your fruitcake :-). There is a whole group of bugs that cause mischief ...
Going on Vacation? Don’t Forget to Pest-Proof Your Home! Warmer weather has finally arrived, and many families are planning their spring vacations. In between booking flights, checking car routes, or ...
Renovations Can Lead to Infestations! Spring and summer are popular times for indoor or outdoor home renovations. Are you planning any home upgrades this year? You may not know it, but some projects ...
It is possible to DIY Pest Control Hear those screams? (“eeek!”) Your pest control efforts probably aren’t working. Now that pest season is upon us, many people are turning to the internet for ...