Both bed bugs and ticks can be dangerous to both your health and well-being. However, the ways they can come into your life and impact it differ pretty heavily. So how do you tell the difference and what are the ways they individually impact your life? Let’s cover them both.
How do you know if you have bed bugs?
Fecal Or Blood Stains
- Bed bugs can leave tiny, reddish or dark brown fecal or blood stains on your mattress, sheets, pillows, or pajamas.
- In addition to bedding, these spots may be found on other furniture or even walls.
- If wiped with a wet rag, the fecal spots will smear.
- Whenever they have access to a warm-blooded host, bed bugs can bite the face, neck, arms, ankles, or other uncovered skin.
- It only takes bed bugs a matter of minutes to engorge themselves with blood.
- These can often go unnoticed at the time of the bite, as some people don’t develop symptoms until two to three days after the bite occurs.
- The most common skin reaction is typically a series of red, itchy splotches or welts.
- When bed bugs bite they only feed-stay attached for a short time (minutes).
- Like other species of bugs, bed bugs release pheromones when disturbed.
- When an area is very heavily infested with bed bugs, the musty, sweet odor can become pungent.
- Throughout their life cycle, bed bugs will molt, or shed their skin, approximately five times before reaching adulthood.
- These discarded shells look like clear, empty exoskeletons and may be found anywhere on or near the bed as well as inside books or electronics.
- Check out this descriptive picture of bed bug cast skins from the University of California UCR Today.
How do you know if you’re dealing with a tick?
- The most obvious sign of a tick bite is the tick itself, latched onto or burrowed beneath the skin. Unlike bed bugs, ticks will stay attached to a host for days!
- Although not always present, the most recognizable sign is an expanding “bull’s-eye” rash, which indicates Lyme disease.
- It’s assumed that ticks live in heavily wooded areas with tall grass. While that’s true, ticks can live right in your backyard.
- They can shelter in loose leaf piles, abandoned debris, and even firewood. Follow our guide to keeping your yard tick-free.
- Conducting a thorough body check after enjoying a nice hike with your pet is the “best medicine.”
- Finding and removing ticks before they can become fully attached is very important for disease prevention.
- The National Pest Management Association provides an effective guide to avoiding Lyme Disease. Hartford and Hampden counties are prime territories for the black-legged tick (aka, Deer Tick), the tick responsible for Lyme Disease.

Use the guide above to keep your home healthy and safe. Our team at Graduate Pest Solutions specializes in prevention. Call us at 413-566-8222 or contact us with any questions or if you are experiencing a pest problem. We have the knowledge and service necessary to help keep your home and workplace pest-free!
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