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What Bit Me? - Graduate Pest Solutions

Written by Jamie | May 23, 2019 4:00:00 AM

What Bit Me: A Guide to Identifying Insect Bites

With insect season in full swing across New England, now is the perfect time to learn the difference between different insect bites. After all, some bites may require medical attention, some may indicate a larger infestation at hand, and some may be nothing to worry about. If you’ve been asking yourself, “what bit me?” this season, check out our handy guide below for residents of East Longmeadow, Wilbraham, Hampden, and surrounding areas.


What Bit Me?


Due to their pesky nature and prevalence across the world, mosquitoes are one of the best known warm-weather pests.

Bite Mark: Mosquitoes are known for biting humans, and leave red, itchy bumps on the skin. Typically these bites will clear up within a few days, but some mosquitoes can carry illnesses, such as West Nile Virus.

Prevention Tip: Eliminate mosquito breeding grounds on your property by draining standing water from flowerpots, birdbaths, grill covers, baby pools and other sources. You can tell if water has been “standing” around too long because it will have mosquito larvae swimming in it!


Known to be a disease-carrier, ticks become a larger concern during the spring and summer as people begin spending more time outdoors.

Bite Mark: The most obvious sign of a tick bite is the tick itself, latched onto or burrowed beneath the skin. Otherwise, the most recognizable sign is an expanding “bull’s-eye” rash, which indicates Lyme disease.

Prevention Tip: Inspect yourself carefully for ticks after being outdoors. If you find a tick, follow our guide to effectively remove and dispose of it.


Fleas are parasites that feed on any warm-blooded host.

Bite Mark: Fleas will bite their host in order to feed, and this often results in painful, itchy bumps. The bites tend to occur in clusters with redness around them. Fleas typically bite humans on the ankles, feet, and lower legs.

Prevention Tip: Fleas generally prefer your pets over you, so regular grooming and flea management for your furry friends is a must!

Bed Bugs

While bed bugs are active year round, they become a larger concern in the summer months due to increased traveling.

Bite Mark: Bed bugs will bite humans, especially on the legs, arms and other body parts exposed while sleeping. While some people may develop red, itchy welts, others will show no signs at all.

Prevention Tip: Take precautions when traveling, and never bring second-hand furniture into the home without thoroughly examining it for signs of bed bugs.

With the right pest management, hopefully you won’t have to ask “what bit me?” this year. If you have any questions or need any help with an infestation, feel free to give Graduate a call.