Bee on the Lookout

Heads up, it’s bee season! We are almost at the end of summer in Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut. This means bee populations have increased, and their nests have gotten larger. According to the National Pest Management Association, stinging insects are most active in the summer and early fall, when their nest populations exceed 60,000. Close to half a million people in the United States are sent to the emergency room every year due to stings from various insects. These can include yellow jackets, hornets, wasps, fire ants, and honeybees.
Avoid Getting Stung
When spending time outside, avoid wearing strong fragrances and instead opt for unscented products. Consider wearing footwear that protects your feet from any rogue stinging insects. Keep food and beverages covered outdoors, and make sure garbage is covered and removed frequently.
If you see bees, try not to run, flail your arms, or swat. This could provoke them, and increase your chance of getting stung.
What to Do if You Have a Nest on Your Property
Before trimming hedges, picking fruit, or doing other yardwork, check carefully for signs of a nest. Nests can be either brown or gray, and resemble thin, papery material. They can range from golf ball to basketball-sized, sometimes even larger! Also, it’s not uncommon for nests to be inside a wall, roof-void or a hole in the ground. These are particularly difficult to treat and usually require more than just a can of spray.
If you have a nest on your property, your safest bet is to call your local pest control professional if you wish to avoid getting stung. They will take precaution and use specialized equipment to remove it. You should also consider keeping any windows near the nest closed, and sealing any cracks or openings in your home where bees could enter.
You Don’t Always Have to Kill the Bees
It’s important to note that most bee species are not aggressive by nature, and will only sting if they are disturbed or their nest is threatened. Nests that are located away from high traffic areas (such as a building entrance or a playground) don’t necessarily need to be disturbed.
As always, if you need help removing a bee’s nest on your property, give Graduate a call today. We’ll get the bees to buzz off and help you to avoid getting stung!
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